Narrative Writing Class: Character is Fate (Spring 2025)


Character is Fate: Spring Creative Writing Class

Character is Fate will help you create compelling characters and bring them to life on the page. Readers crave sympathetic, interesting characters and are willing to follow them anywhere, even through the twisting explanations of synclines and anticlines of John McPhee’s Basin and Range in describing geologist Kenneth Deffeyes. The focus of every great story is a person.

This five-session narrative writing course will help you create that person within the context of a story, whether in fiction or nonfiction. Through lectures, discussion, readings and writing assignments, you’ll learn how to make readers care about your characters.

This five-session narrative writing class will do this in the following way:

  • A 200-word story synopsis to introduce your protagonist and cast of characters.
  • A 1500- to 2500-word story or chapter.
  • A detailed critique of the story.
  • A 250-word description of your author platform for getting your story or book out to the public.

The writing course will run on Wednesday evenings March 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23 from 7 to 9 p.m. PST via Zoom and at least one in-person hybrid meeting in Room of the Phinney Ridge Community Center in Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood (4649 Sunnyside Avenue North).

To enroll, you can send a check for $400 to Nick O’Connell, 201 Newell St., Seattle, WA 98109 or click on the Buy Now button below to pay with a credit card. The course is limited to 15 participants and usually fills several weeks prior to the start of class. For more information, contact me at or call 206-284-7121.