Have you always wanted to write but haven’t known where to start? Have you written in the past but need a refresher on the nuts and bolts? If so, this is the course for you. It will help you communicate clearly and effectively, whether in email, reports, letters or essays.
Have you always wanted to write but haven’t known where to start? Have you written in the past but need a refresher on the nuts and bolts? If so, this is the course for you. It will help you communicate clearly and effectively, whether in email, reports, letters or essays.
The short, targeted assignments include quick grammar exercises, keys to writing effective sentences and paragraphs, and longer assignments that illuminate the writing process, organization and composition. This class will help you to reach your potential as a writer—whether on the job or for personal growth—bringing style and confidence to your writing.
Six assignments in all, including a persuasive essay and a personal essay.
Text: The Elements of Style by Strunk and White